
Thanks for dropping by.

Some of my blog posts are humorous (I don’t mind laughing at myself) while others show the areas I struggle with like fearful what if’s. Mostly I write about bringing the Lord into our ordinary circumstances to help us navigate life.

If you’re hungry to know God, or you’re tired of striving to be a “good Christian,” then I urge you to stop doing things for God and learn to enjoy His presence.

God values who we become more than what we do for Him.

I had to learn the hard way. I was a performance-driven Christian. My goal in life was to know God better so I could please Him and in return earn God’s love. I knew I couldn’t earn my eternal salvation. God’s Word is clear on that subject:1But I spent much of my life trying to “be a better Christian” and “serve God” as if that would make Him love me more. MORE? Could God love me any more than when He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins?2When I finally rested in the knowledge that God’s love for me is everlasting and based on who He is rather than who I am, I was able to stop “doing things” for God and learn to “seek God” for Himself alone. And it has made all the difference in my life.joy


Contact Me


I’d love to chat with you or answer questions. You can follow me on Twitter Facebook or Instagram. I’d love to hear how the Lord is working in your life too.

Thanks again, for visiting. Just remember, we’re all a work in progress.

18 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Karen,

    I appreciate the heart you exposed in your “About.” As I was reading through it, you made me thing of one of my favorite books, “TrueFaced” by Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, and John Lynch. It talks about the motivational choice we must make between pleasing God or trusting God. We will be driven by one or the other, and the impact of that choice is far-reaching.

    It is one of the more profound things I have ever read, so much so that I read it and then went back to study it like a textbook. If you have not read it, I highly recommend it to you.

    Victoriously in Christ!

    – damon


  2. Hi Karen, I finally found your blog, thanks to your interview on Bethany’s blog. Loved your post on “”being still” and in the moment ( I.e., weeding while you were talking to Jason). I think the enemy uses busyness a lot to rob us of being present and available in our relationships with God and other people. Tell Jenny I love her pics:)


  3. PERFECT! This is one of the most concise and accurate descriptions of our true identity in Christ I have read. I clicked over on your blog from another blog we both follow, Darrell Creswell. I would like your permission to re-blog this on my own blog, “For His Glory”. I call it my Christ-centered, family-friendly blog to glorify God. I would love to include this with a link back to your blog and a brief bio (from stuff on this page). I love to reblog some of the great things I read every day on different Christian blogs. I would love to add you to my list? My blog address is http://stevensawyer.wordpress.com.


  4. Proof of the faithfulness of our God! Speaking peace over whatever is troubling you and reminding you that He perfects all that concerns you! God bless you!! xx


  5. I’m so happy to have found this blog. Your writing is soothing. This could very easily translate into a devotional. I’ll be back again and again. God bless your obedience. xx


    1. Thank you Arlene for taking the time to comment. I’ve had a bad day and your feedback blessed me. God’s perfect timing! And a wonderful example how God uses His saints to encourage one another.


    1. Yes, it’s a lifelong process learning to trust and rest in God’s sovereignty. And we can only trust someone if we “know” him. So knowing God (rather than about Him) is essential to our Christian growth.


  6. Morning Erin
    I have nominated your site for a Kreativ Bloggers Award – Please read below
    God Bless your writing
    susie @ sptp

    Hello! I have been nominated by Joshua at http://goldenbible.wordpress.com for (Drum-Roll) – The Kreativ Blogger Award
    Thank you Joshua! I am honored! But here’s a shout out to YOU! I am so impressed by your insight! I’ve enjoyed looking around your site. I am thrilled to find a thirteen year old-young man writing about God’s Word with such insight and maturity. God Bless your journey! I will check out your recommended sites.

    Evidently I have a job to complete. Part of the Kreativ Blogger Award is to write about 10 things about Me. To complete the assignment, I must recommend six new blog sites I have “found”.

    First – the me part:

    1. I just celebrated my 60th (Really – it went fast)
    2. I live in the desert – Las Vegas (No! we do not go to the Strip very often)
    3. I have two grand-children (both boys) – recently they moved to WA and I miss them terribly
    4. I love where I am “AT” in my life’s journey – although I still continue to learn as I go
    5. I love sharing my journey and thoughts about my life path
    6. I love reading and growing and learning from all the Christian Blog writers
    7. I love Christian Rock Music – My current favorite is MOVE by Mercy Me
    8. I love to laugh – great big belly – tears rolling down the eyes Laughter
    9. I love to read – anything and everything even the back of cereal boxes
    10 I love the friendships I am forming On-Line – I have been Blessed!

    Here are my nominations for the new “Found” blogs
    1. http://goldenbible.wordpress.com – (can’t help it! I just found Joshua through finding me)
    2. https://karenfosterministry.wordpress.com

    3. http://devog.wordpress.com

    4. http://erinstephens.wordpress.com

    5. http://365daysofpraising.wordpress.com

    6. http://rejectedstones.wordpress.com


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